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0 votes
As the MO 's slap on the wrist is no real deterrent against bad behaviour,  without spending vast sums of money ( quotes received just shy of £1k to send a letter ) on the first step of potential litigation  just wondering if anyone on this forum could advise if it's possible to take private action against another Cllr?
by (1.1k points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Any individual may instigate proceedings against any other individual, however in terms of its relevance to local councils, you'll need to provide more information.
by (60.1k points)
If the MO finds a Cllr has breached the Code of Conduct ( Bullying harassment & disrespect) whilst in the role of Chair and allowed an employee ( the Clerk ) to mirror such behaviour against the complainant ,;  can the complainant take proceedings against said Cllr based on the MO's findings irrespective of the role they held on the PC ?    All Cllrs are not equal on our PC, those with titles believe they are answerable to no one .
All the replies on here will be well-meaning in respect of this and your other question.

In my opinion your only way of getting a definitive answer to either/both questions is to consult a solicitor who should advise on legality or otherwise, chances of success, and costs.
What do you hope to achieve? Are you seeking financial recompense?

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