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The clerk have called an HR meeting which she want closed to approval clerks attendances at practitioners conference to approve slcc membership renewal and to approve changes to office hrs i can not see any reason why they are at HR meetings and see know reason why the meeting should be closed can the chairman refuse to close the meeting and can he justsay that all above should be a a full council meeting
I have spoken to the clerk about this all I got was they are staff matters
by (2.2k points)

2 Answers

0 votes

The clerk can do no such thing. 

If there are matters of a confidential nature then the chair may call a vote to exclude the press and public at which point each committee member must cast their vote in relation to the question. 

The chair must call the vote (if appropriate) and Cllrs must vote (if appropriate.)

The clerk doesn’t feature in that process. 

by (25.1k points)
In addition none of the topics are legitimate reasons to exclude the public and they’ve published the topics already so the cat is out of the bag
It’s strikes me if your Clerk doesn’t understand basics like this that they are in need of training
I also think HR can not approve any payment so it would have to go to full council anyway
That depends upon the terms of reference for the HR committee, which should be a public document reviewed annually at the annual meeting of the council.
Terms of reference of our HR
To deal with all matters relating to recruitment of staff
To over see the appraisal process
To review staff job description and contracts as required
To deal with other staffing issues as they arise
Non of the above seen to approve payments
Missed out
To review pay annually for recommendations to full council
0 votes
In my opinion attendance at a conference, payment of professional fees, and changes to office opening hours are not matters that should be or need to be discussed in a closed session.  These are all legitimate actions so why give the impression they are not.  I regularly used to say to my members, "if there is nothing to hide, then why hide it"?
by (11.8k points)
edited by
Terms of reference for our HR
To deal with matters related to recruitment of staff
To overseeing the appraisal process
To review pay annually for recommendations to full council
To deal with other staffing issues as they arise
Non of the above seen to implement the HR can approve payments

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