I asked our Chair to ask for advice from County ALC having had no response from the Chair of the Staffing SubCommittee regarding several concerns I raised about the Clerk going back some months. (Other colleagues have raised concerns with the same Chair of the SSC with same non response). County advisory body guy citing his own previous job and the current Chair of my PC’s past employment as places where there was ‘no internal complaint procedure’ and that concerns would be raised with the manager. My point is, I have raised my concerns with the correct person (the Chair of the SSC) but he has never dealt with it and has now resigned. The ToR of that subcommittee are not clear as to what happens next.
In the NHS I had very clear policies and procedures as to how to address conduct and competence in staff, protecting both myself and the staff I managed, making it clear what they should expect from me and safeguarding both of us in case of breakdown in the process. Why would that not be the case in local government? The Monitoring Officer clearly expected us to have policies which ‘worked for all’. The County Advisory body doesn’t agree.
What arrangements do other councils have?