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I recorded a meeting a few years ago when it was clear that a councillor was being bullied by colleagues. I did not turn the recording off and the meeting went into closed session. During that session something can be heard not to have happened, but it is now claimed by some of those councillors (who have been re elected) that this thing did happen, and at a meeting tonight will try to obtain recognition that it did happen in that closed session to clear those councillors’ names.
What should I do? What ought I to do? What may I do?
by (2.1k points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Your answer lies within the Nolan Principles.
If you know someone is lying, tell them you know they are lying and how / why you know.
by (26.9k points)
Could I get into trouble for recording a meeting and/ or making the contents of it known to people who were not councillors at the time of the original meeting?
It is usually the case that the recording is suspended during the confidential session.  Did the remainder of the members present know you were recording?
No, John1706 no one knew I was recording
I'll leave it there.
It is ABSOLUTELY FINE that you recorded a closed session.
There is no means or mechanism by which you might be precluded from doing so.
The only transgression would be if you shared detail about a closed session with someone that might not have been there or be entitled to see it.
Now then, if you ‘know’ because of what you recorded, that someone is lying, then there is nothing to stop you (in fact you are obliged) to report the matter to the MO.
The solution here would appear to be, tell ‘em you know what you think they are going to state is - shall we say - “inaccurate.”  Tell them you have a recording (if you want to) if they carry on its on them.
State the detail of the “inaccuracy” and state the proof that it is inaccurate and let MO fecide.
Job done.
Well it would be but for the fact MO is a pointless office with no authority to actually DO anything.

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