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2 Answers

0 votes
Unfortunately it does go on and a lot of it is not reported and as a result good Clerks leave.  Sometimes it is not always bullying but Councillors with very strong opinions and personalities who will talk over other Councillors and not allow them to speak, and so as a result the quiet ones do not get a chance to talk.  It takes a strong Chair to go round the room and ask each Councillor in turn what they feel about a certain item and ask the overbearing one to keep quiet until their turn.
by (3.8k points)
Unfortunately in this day and age "bullying" is undefined and encompasses whatever the complainant wishes it to be which is made to fit someone who has an opinion which differs from their own. In a democratic situation all points of view should be equally heard and presented. It's called debate and discussion- something some people do not wish to happen.
0 votes
Sadly it doesn't surprise me.  I have seen and heard some horror stories where councils are run as petty fiefdoms and the Clerk tries their best to ensure that due procedure is followed but is stopped at every turn.  Being a councillor seems to bring out the worst in some people and the very best in others.
by (25.4k points)

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