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0 votes
I have read the related answers provided from my question for which none suit. This coming Thursday a petition of 40+ parishioners will be presented asking the council to hold an extraordinary meeting. This was blocked before. In minutes and information provided by other authorities there is overwhelming evidence that the clerk and 5 councillors who were co-opted in 2019 and since are not telling the truth about numerous matters and I reiterate numerous. Surely they can be removed if they cannot answer questions in line with their code of conduct principles. Otherwise why is there a code of conduct? The latest misconduct issue was that the council first ignored and then refused our group access to the accounts under the AGAR procedures. The auditor has found for us under the complaints procedure and is going to make a formal ruling this month. What more can we say. This is just corrupt behavior. What can we do?
by (410 points)

5 Answers

+1 vote
No, a council cannot even remove a co-opted councillor
by (640 points)
We as parishioners have clear evidence that all the councillors are not telling the truth in their answers, they are making false declarations in their register of interests and have even assaulted myself in a meeting. Is that not enough cause?
+2 votes
Forget co-opted as a caveat - it is irrelevant. Co-opted and elected members differ only in the means by which they are returned. In all other regards, there is no difference between them.
Unless you are suggesting irregular practice in the process of co-option?

Also, I don’t want to say ‘forget protest’ because that’s not what I mean, but it must be properly focussed otherwise your momentum will be knocked and you might lose energy / support.
You cannot remove a Cllr with protest unless their moral compass leads them to resign.
Focus on what CAN be achieved within existing legislation.
Ignore unlawful ban from public meeting, video record everything and publish on YouTube, engage local community, ask questions and insist on answers, use the ICO and the external auditor (for what they are worth) publish, publish, publish!

It DOES WORK! I’ve done it!
by (26.1k points)
+2 votes
As others have said, you cannot remove a councillor however justified it might seem!    However, most (not all) town and parish councils in the country have full council elections next May when all councillors must, if they wish, seek re-election.  It is a process which is run by your principal authority so outside the control of the parish or town council.  I'd suggest you start now to ensure you have a contested election by preparing candidates to put themselves forward.  Whilst parish councils are required to post the election timetable on their notice boards and website, you should not rely on this but ensure you are aware of the timetable when nominations need to be submitted, obtain forms directly from your elections office and return them directly too. It is then up to the electorate to make a decision.
by (22.3k points)
And in the process of preparation, ensure all your electioneering leaflets are prepared and delivered in good time i.e. before the postal votes are sent out. There is nothing more frustrating in delivering a leaflet to a resident only to be told that have already voted.
+1 vote
As stated an elected or co-opted councillor cannot be removed by anyone or any body notwithstanding them breeching the legal conditions for election( bankrupt, imprisonment etc etc.).

To support the cause you state and to advertise and reinforce your points I would suggest calling a Parish Meeting. Gather six members of the electorate and give the required notice to the PC and they are legally obligated to arrange, advertise, chair, finance and minute such a meeting. Whilst essentially the PC is not bound by motions made at such a meeting it would be exceptionally difficult for them to ignore the outcome of the display of the concerns raised ( and minuted). The bigger the attendance at such a meeting the harder to ignore on the part of the council. All legal and above board and ripe for passing to press etc. who would of course be able to attend.

 And of course there is no restriction on the number of Parish Meetings that can be held in a year. The only requirement is for an annual meeting be held
by (29.0k points)
edited by
0 votes
That is great answers and as we would have expected. The original issue was nothing to do with the council, nothing was raised with them, but they decided to make it an issue because of their personal interests and were using their leverage as councillors to enforce it. We have as advised gone to twitter @puxtonparishner to advertise this but they seem just want to ignore it. Please follow for updates
by (410 points)
Just so your aware, the links you provide for the documents don't work... You can probably see them but its your own drive that you are sharing...
Twitter all updated now and added to. The meeting is tomorrow, but a number of us are going. Expect to be banned but will video etc

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