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0 votes
Hi all-first question on here!

We've got a new Clerk just starting-the previous one has retired. There's a lot of paperwork which needs transferring, but the new Clerk doesn't have room for it in her house. What do other places do for storage of documents? I'm aware that we probably don't need to keep some of them and can scan and save others, but I'm unsure how to proceed. Are there storage rules?
by (1.1k points)

3 Answers

0 votes
Ideally you should have a document retention policy and there are lots of examples online to crib from but in reality there is little that absolutely must be kept - mostly signed Minutes and accounting papers (including invoices, insurance policies etc.).  Everything else can be electronic.  A regular trawl through documents both electronic and paper is recommended for GDPR purposes too.

With regard to storage of the things you have to keep, our local Records Office will take parish records and in some areas their District Council will store things.  It is worth asking.
by (22.3k points)
Does the records office take all records or just the signed minutes ? Just curious as I have not yet taken anything to the Essex records office.
Sorry I don't know but I'm sure they can advise.
0 votes
Maybe it’s just me but I can think of many reasons why I feel it’s bad practice to store records at an employees house
by (12.7k points)
0 votes
Under the GDPR you are subject to two obligations:

a) to protect any personal data with appropriate security and technical measures; and

b) to only hold it as long as is necessary for the purposes you obtained it.
by (2.9k points)

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