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Our clerk is making a complaint to the MO about the conduct of a councillor, but is insisting on having a union person at the expected meeting. I have no idea what the complaint is, but been asked to put a question here on behalf of the councillor, who thinks it's ridiculous as it's not a complaint against the clerk, but the other way round. Is such an attendance allowed, or at the discretion of the MO, especially as the councillor thinks it's intended to intimidate her? There's nothing in the local council's complaint regs to shed light on it.
by (750 points)

2 Answers

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You might just want to confirm what your LA CoC complaints process actually is.
‘Normal’ procedure (so far as I’m familiar) would be webpage or paper submission rather than face-to-face meeting between complainant / MO and subject / MO.
Your clerk might be in for a dose of reality which may come as a surprise / disappointment. The complainant does not get to set the terms of the complaint review process, the LA, via the office of the MO, does.
I’d be genuinely surprised if, after your own investigation, you find it is anything other than an electronic submission via the webpage (with a paper option available if required.)
by (24.1k points)
I forgot to mention a very recent personal experience which may add to the reality of just how shallow and irrelevant MO investigations actually are.
I recently received a note from MO stating that they didn’t even investigate the detail submitted by complainant and or subject in response to a complaint. They don’t investigate, they just take it as a genuine declaration.
I suppose ‘normally’ it would be reasonable to take submissions at face value but, in this case, and bear in mind the subject sees all of the papers submitted by the complainant but the complainant does not see the responses to the complaint from the subject, the MO recreated a part of the subject’s submission which was known to be a complete lie.
The MO was informed that it was a lie and that by recreating it and publishing it in a DN there was a continuation of libel.
Rather than amend the DN the MO recommended that a separate complaint be submitted to highlight the lie. Fortunately other cllrs and the ward councillor have affirmed their witness to the lie so next step is another complaint about the Cllr liar AND the MO for maladministration. Great use of tax payers’ money - not.
0 votes
Have a look on your principal authority's website.  The procedure will be clearly defined and the complaint will be processed in accordance with it.
by (11.3k points)
Having had multiple complaints made against me including quite a few I self referred along the way I’ve gained quite  a lot of experience
But before I could answer this question I’d need to know exactly what “ the meeting “ is for, who is attending and what it’s purpose is for example is it fact finding or decision making ?
It’s not unusual for  Clerks to mention their “ union “ to try to increase the pressure
One rule of thumb is if a complaint is made against you make sure you get the complaint and “ evidence “ before you respond

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