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by (120 points)

1 Answer

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I have to say one of the best Clerks I have ever personally observed elsewhere was a Ward Cllr. It gave them a fascinating insight and much more balanced view been on both "sides" of the table. He did admit he felt bit awkward when a Cllr decided to run against him but they remained close friends afterwards. Indeed when the Clerk decided to step down from both roles at next election he actually was out canvassing for the Cllr in question. My feeling has always been if you get the right person in post they can and will be professional and wont be an issue.
by (10.1k points)
Thank you for that information.
May I just confirm that the Ward Cllr that you refer to was a Ward Cllr for the Ward in which he worked as a Clerk for the Parish Council?

If so, was the subject of a conflict of interest between his role as a Ward Cllr and an employee of the Parish Council ever raised by either another Parish Councillor or a member of the electorate in the parish, and did the Clerk, when attending a meeting of the Parish Council as the Clerk, act at all times solely in the capacity of Clerk, or toggle between his two roles of employee (Clerk) and Ward Cllr?

I greatly appreciate your taking the time to respond and thank you for your time.


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