2 parts to the question...
The headline question plus the very final part of the supporting text “...can the Council disregard it’s decision and change course without rescinding the original position..?”
The headline question - this is the wrong way round - how can it be “resolved” if there wasn’t a motion + vote? It can’t
There must have been an agenda item otherwise (whatever the subject is) should not have been discussed if there is an agenda item there should have been a motion, if there is a motion it should be a written motion - why would you not?
If there is no motion there can be no resolution if there is no resolution there cannot be a rescission motion.
So in answer does a resolution require a motion and a vote - well yes, obviously without a proposal, a seconder and a vote it isn’t a resolution it’s just a discussion and nobody is bound by it because it cannot be shown to be a corporate decision
Do you need to rescind it - no because it cannot be an official democratic decision
These scenarios would be so much easier to decipher if there was more background detail
Is there a subtext to all this? Are you struggling with a truculent chair / clerk or a majority group of cllrs that have little knowledge or desire to do things properly??