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One of our working groups has taken offence at a councillors e-mail message to other councillors (the offending phrase being "perhaps you men are unaware")  and have included in their draft minutes the quote, along with the following message:
"it was agreed that the words 'you men' in this comment were sexist, aggressive and insulting and completely unacceptable in the modern workplace. The words seek to create a "second class" mentality implying that men do not have the necessary knowledge to make decisions in this area and disrespects the professional and personal backgrounds of those involved.  It is deeply insulting both for the men to whom it was direacted, but also to the women on the group."
It goes on.  I think this response is totally disproportionate to the initial comment - and their publishing this for all to see, rather than writing to the clerk could potentially be a breach of the code of conduct itself.

I would welcome people's views on what might be the best course of action for the council.
by (410 points)

4 Answers

0 votes
The original email is inappropriate, condescending and insulting but the moral high ground has been lost by the publishing of the comment in the minutes which is wholly unnecessary and again inappropriate.  Both sides have breached the code of conduct in not treating others with respect.  They need to grow up.
by (22.3k points)
0 votes
A working party has no power whatsoever to make such decisions regarding conduct let alone make comments. If they feel that there is a matter to be discussed then it should be presented to the council for decision in line with the councils complaints procedure. Unfortunately during this woke world takeover we are enduring many have lost a few of old fashioned ideals: common sense, a thick skin and a ducks back off which water easily pours.
by (29.0k points)
0 votes
There’s probably more ‘background’ tension than has been disclosed in the original post - or the “offended” cllrs are all local authority employees in their day job - sounds like the sort of pathetic wokism that flourishes in such domains.
What a bunch of big girl’s blouses....

(I ‘s’pose that’ll be offensive to non binary gender sensitivities, cross dressers, lard asses and local authority employees.....)
by (26.0k points)
We have greater freedom of speech than ever apart from the fact we have less and less things we can freely talk about
The comment is odd but we have no context I’d suggest Councillors concentrate their efforts on serving their residents
Hear hear. I agree with my esteemed colleague !!
0 votes
Many thanks for your responses. All valued and considered.
by (410 points)

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