A long standing cllr who was one of two signing authorities sent a letter of resignation to our last meeting (last Thursday which had been recorded in the minutes) There is no animosity, they are just stepping back after many years. All Chqs req 2 sigs. This presents a problem until the mandate is updated with new signatories which could take a while (I have advised a minimum of 3 sigs to prevent a recurrence). Is there a scenario where an urgent chq could be signed by the original signing authorities if approved by all members, properly documented and the resigned cllr is in agreement (which would not be a problem).
Or could we write to the resigned cllr, thanking them for their resignation letter but requesting they delay resignation until the bank mandate is sorted?
We are a very small council (6 members) and I’m at a loss what to do as we currently have no clerk and I’m very new to council myself, but also temporary acting clerk. Any help very much appreciated.