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0 votes

I'm interested to know whether other parish councils use microphones/amplification in their meetings. And if so, what set-up. With our best efforts to speak clearly, we get complaints from members of the public that they cannot hear -- acoustics not great in our village hall -- but I fear that technology might cause more problems than it solves.

Thanks for your experience/advice.
by (200 points)

3 Answers

+2 votes
I tried this at two different councils and both were a disaster.  Either the equipment failed at the crucial time, some councillors used it, some refused to use it, the signal dropped etc etc etc.  They both ended up being a total farce.
That said, this was all a few years ago and no doubt technology has improved a great deal so perhaps you should find a couple of councils nearby who use amplification equipment and go and 'road test' it for yourself.
by (11.8k points)
Echo this. Its hard enough to get people to use microphones correctly in a dedicated council chamber with well equipped room. It always seems the important stuff gets missed / muffled whispered in local council meeting who record.  I miss the good old days of 2020/2021 Civic Year and remote (least the recordings were crystal clear)
Thanks. Yes I think it could be one of those situations where technology just causes more problems than it solves.
+1 vote
You can have the best equipment in the world but if not set up or used correctly then it is a waste. Better solution is a good chair of the meeting who has the ability to encourage speakers to reach the correct presentation level to ensure both council members and public can hear what is said. It is rather important. I have witnessed mumbling chairs with a following loss of interest in proceedings by public and council members
by (28.9k points)
0 votes
A public address system fit for purpose is what you need but the cost could run into several thousands. For best results you will need a delegate  microphone example shown in link  for all cllrs and the clerk and one for public questions with a button to switch them on only when speaking. This worked very well in a district council I once worked for.
by (35.8k points)

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