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Agenda -- Our last PC meeting under " Councillor Issues"  on agenda items listed.

No request were made to add  any items from the councillors But on the night a councillor  was very derogatory about the chair regarding a situation she felt he had put her in making her feel uncomfortable, apologies were made ever though he did not feel it was needed. I have not entered in the minutes as it was not an item on the agenda. the councillor is now insisting it is fully documented.
This councillor takes their own path contacts whom ever they feel can assist them eg.  local   MP,  councillors from the district and county . The PC has no knowledge of what this councillor is doing.
The incident happen when the MP came to a tree planting for the jubilee and I arranged for him to stay after and meet with us in the park , as by this time we had been told  (by the councillor) they had been in touch with all parties as mentioned above to discuss the speeding traffic problems. The chair ask the said councillor to start the meet making it plain the items had been raised by the councillor .     
Sorry it does sound a bit of a ramble.
by (160 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

This is simple.  In principle, the minutes record decisions not discussions.

by (11.8k points)
It’s actually incorrect. There is a minimum standard for content of minutes (which includes more than just “decisions”) but who ever thought striving to achieve a minimum was a good idea.
Councils that seek to rigidly apply bare minimums in meeting minutes have probably lost track of the fact that their “customers” are the members of the electorate who may need more than the basics to make sense of what and how their council arrived at the “decisions” which may be recorded.
Ergo, whilst decisions must be recorded, there is no reason (other than a lack of appreciation and logic) which prevents supporting detail being included.
I agree with John - the details are in the standing orders. If your Council has not changed the minimum requirement set out by NALC then its very basic information and Decisions  Resolutions not discussions.

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