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0 votes
Our parish council recently asked the public to leave at the end of a meeting and they then voted on a contentious item in a closed session.

Is this allowed as villagers are saying they want to know who voted for / against?

The chair felt that pressure was being put on councillors by individuals so chose to vote in this manner to protect the councillors.
by (120 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
As a general rule all proceedings of the parish council should be open to the public including voting on what might be a contentious issue.  However, there are certain circumstances when it is permissible to go into confidential session to discuss an item - usually used for things like considering quotes for work, staffing matters or matters where it is likely that personal information might be divulged.  In a confidential session the discussion is confidential but the result of any vote are not, i.e. the minutes should reflect the decision that was taken (but not necessarily who voted for what unless a councillor has requested a named vote before the vote is taken).
Members of the public have no automatic right to know who voted for what in any vote as it is the result of the vote which is important for a parish council but a councillor can request a named vote in which case the minutes must reflect who voted for what.  A request for a named vote can only be made before the vote is taken.
by (23.3k points)
0 votes
What exactly where they voting on ?

How do residents know who to vote for if they don’t know which way their Councillors vote ?
by (13.0k points)

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