Having occupied both seats, as councillor and, separately, as a clerk I think I can confidently say that very few councillors understand the role of the clerk and what it entails. Your clerk has already raised the issue of his/her workload which has resulted in an increase in hours so presumably this has already been addressed by the council or your staffing committee, if you have one. May and June are busy months as they would involve preparing accounts for both internal and external audit, presenting these for council to approve, preparing for both the annual parish council meeting and annual parish meeting (agendas, supporting papers, minutes), preparing the annual report, reviewing policies and procedures (usually timetabled for this time of year), preparing for the exercise of electors rights and this year probably preparing jubilee celebrations all in addition to the routine work of the council. Even I was shocked at the amount of unpaid overtime our clerk admitted to recently. Perhaps a starting point is to have an appraisal for the clerk or at least ask him/her what the council can do to help with the workload so that things are dealt with efficiently.