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0 votes
The woman who was mayor before the most recent mayor making has died. She and her husband are councillors. Her husband has stated no flowers, just donations to the hospice. Any advice is appreciated. It literally happened today and I would appreciate any advice for a public statement, the next meeting (we did the mayor making, but no ceremony as she had an emergency hospital apt).
by (1.1k points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Sadly we had a similar situation a few years ago but it was a councillor who was the wife of the then current chair who passed away suddenly.  The Vice Chair took the next meeting and we had a minutes silence as a mark of respect at the start of the meeting.  The Council isn't empowered to make a donation but individual members can.
by (23.2k points)
+1 vote
We donate as a matter of course a set amount to a charity identified by the family. This is the same for past or present councillors. It is brought to the meeting as an agenda item
by (6.3k points)

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