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0 votes
A resident suggested in a round robin e-mail that the number of resignations on our PC was down to the Chairman's general attitude.  He had just been rude to a member of the Jubilee committee [not linked directly to the PC] and she has resigned.   He is now threatening the resident with legal action for libel [defamation of character I presume] if an apology is not forthcoming.
by (270 points)
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2 Answers

+1 vote
He could sue in his personal capacity, and he would most likely lose, all the claimant would need to show was that he was rude to her, so it be shown to be her truly held view at that point in time.

Council's can't sue for defamation, and 'roles' (Chairman) can't sue. NALC note LTN30.
by (9.0k points)
The resident and the member of the jubilee committee are not the same person.  In this respect my second sentence was superfluous.  Apologies.
0 votes
Of course they can take legal action but it’s nothing to do with the Parish Council

Conversely the member of the Jubilee committee could make a Code of Conduct complaint
by (12.7k points)

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