Questions about town and parish councils
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Finance Committee Meetings- According  to section 102 ( 3) of the 1972 Act only councillors should sit on the Finance  Committee - does this exclude the RFO ?
by (1.1k points)

2 Answers

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The RFO should be an officer of the council who services/advises the finance committee.
by (10.9k points)
Is the RFO included in the headcount of the committee  which I understand should be between 3 & 5 persons ?
I would think not. We don't. The RFO is there as an advisory officer, cannot make decisions and does not have voting rights.
0 votes
Is the RFO also the Town Clerk?? Our RFO attends the Finance Committee meetings but she is also the RFO. She gives us the financial updates and advices on expenditure and budgets.
To the best of my knowledge a Councillor cannot be a RFO but it can be a separate officer from the Clerk. In my opinion it makes sense for the RFO to attend the Finance Committee. BUT the RFO cannot make any decisions, only the committee members (councillors) can do that.
by (2.8k points)
If the clerk is the RFO as well then it makes complete sense for the attendance at the committee meeting for two reasons. The RFO can provide first hand information to the committee there and then to facilitate the committees decision making. They should also be able to give up to the minute information on all aspects of the council's finances. The added bonus that as the clerk  accurate minutes of the committee could be taken of the meeting. Streamlined working.

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