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it can be convenient to place small orders with a family member but how hard must the Clerk / RFO "strive" to obtain comparative quotes?
by (1.3k points)

1 Answer

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It all depends on the PC's standing orders and/or purchasing policy and devolved powers ( which should be specified) afforded to the Clerk. As a basis for honesty and transparency even if devolved powers are given it should be a basic expectation that the clerk makes a declaration of their interest known to the PC for them to be fully aware and able to take it into account to allow or not.
by (29.0k points)
One local parish council mysteriously decided the only business capable of supplying their bar just happened to be owned by a Councillor who then failed to mention this on their declaration nothing much happened about it !
I have more examples from other Councils
My rule of thumb is what would a third party think and in most cases like this they’d assume someone was making a quick buck
I would preclude any connected party from any transaction involving any PC
I would suggest that for small parishes it is not unusual for contracts to be placed with local/connected suppliers BUT this should only be after appropriate and usual steps are taken to seek quotes from other suppliers and for those quotes to be considered, anonymously, by council before being accepted.  That way everything is above board, clear and transparent and the process can be clearly evidenced if challenged.

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