Our parish council owns and is responsible for the arrangements and costs of management and maintenance of three defibrillators – they are included on the list of assets of the council.
Two were gifted to the council by a resident several years ago, but are now the property of the council which is responsible for their upkeep, electrical connection, replacing pads and batteries etc all of which have to be paid for out of the council's precepted monies.
To date one defibrillator has been installed at the village primary school in the village centre, another is on a private dwelling on a public walking route.
It is intended to install a third defibrillator, which was bought by the parish council last year, on a privately-owned property near the railway station.
In order to clarify ownership and accountability for all three defibrillators, I and another member of the council have put forward the following resolution at our next council meeting to next Thursday evening:-
That the current informal arrangements regarding all three defibrillators owned by the parish council be placed on a proper legal footing which would be to the benefit of all concerned, and would comply with the parish council’s duty to meet its legal and audit obligations.
We intend to provide a short report to the meeting, so are researching the position of other town and parish councils around the country to find out what formal arrangements they may have made regarding council-owned defibrillators installed on public and private buildings for the benefit of their community.
Has anyone dealt with this situation or have any examples of agreements to put their defibrillators on a proper legal footing please?