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This might especially apply to some perceived bias in comments about candidates.
by (1.3k points)

1 Answer

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As far as I am aware the Clerk has nothing at all to do with any type of  elections.  The Elections Office send out notices which the Clerk has to display but that's it.
by (360 points)
The Clerk can also make an appointment at the County Council and take in the completed forms for Councillors all in one go. However, he/she cannot help with the completion of forms. But Councillors can take them themselves if they prefer. (NB This is in Wales, not sure if it applies to England).
The advice whenever I was clerk was to stay well out of it!   Our local elections office make it quite clear to candidates that they must deliver their papers personally as they are checked while you wait and any corrections needed can be made immediately.
In an official capacity, clerks should be advising what can and can't be done during the period immediately preceding an election.  So, for example, the general advice is for things like newsletters shouldn't be issued as it might be deemed to be promoting a particular candidate or group of candidates.  Council property (photocopiers, printers etc.) can't be used for material promoting any candidate for example so the clerk shouldn't be printing and/or distributing any election material for any particular candidate.
Hi Jann, in England the Clerk can not carry out any duties to help candidates at all due to their unbiased position with the Council.  The advice given by Delboys wife is correct, the Clerk should steer clear of printing/designing leaflets, delivering leaflets and campaigning as it would be detrimental to the Clerks position.

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