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My Pariah Council is made up of two parishes both individuals in their own right. How should the allocation of precept be divided for fair and equal funding for both Parishes specifically when one has street lights? Does anyone have any experience or advice? The Council has no financial standing orders or Parish plan.
by (1.7k points)
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3 Answers

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Do you mean two parishes or two wards?  If it is made up of two parishes, each should prepare their own budget to calculate the level of precept required.
by (58.5k points)
Thanks Dave I've just amended. Two individual parishes under the umbrella of one Parish Council name. I did ask the Clerk but they said no it was fine as it was. I'm with you on this. How should one proceed?
0 votes
Was Pariah a typo or point of view!  The wards might not be equal in area or population so a 50/50 split would not be a given. Once admin costs are taken out, the council should decide on the basis of residential surveys etc.  What would be of most benefit to each ward should be identified  and prioritised on a needs basis.
by (35.8k points)
Ha ha Graeme as anyone who has followed my posts it's a challenging state of affairs. I take onboard what you've said and I fully agree.  I just wondered how I can get the message across to Council members that monies should be looked to be spent across both Parishes. It's difficult enough that Councillors don't want to admit to being two separate Councils and sadly the Clerk agrees with them. Not having a plan just adds to the frustration and there is no appetite for having one even though it's a mandatory requirement.
As for communication with the Community that's a no go area. My Council has never had a noticeboard for starters. Hence no Parish plan or similar.
0 votes
I genuinely don't understand how a "a parish council is made up of two parishes both individual in their own right".  I'm happy to be educated.
by (11.9k points)
Thx John, me neither. The two Councils are currently undergoing a  governance review by the Borough Council who don't intend to make any changes. I am quite concerned.
But, forgive me, if they are two separate parish councils they cannot possibly have a combined precept which is what you have said, or at least what I think you have said ...
You are correct and I agree hence my concerns. Unfortunately my fellow Councillors and Clerk disagree.. The response I received from our Calc was check your standing orders; not exactly helpful.
Surely this is 2 villages making up a parish council? I, like John, am confused. If they are 2 parishes, they gave their own legal identity and are legally separate. Perhaps give us the name and that might help?
Many years ago when I was a clerk I clerked for a parish council consisting of two very different wards; one very rural and one semi urban.  They were one parish council but two distinct areas with separate ward members.  One precept was requested and for some costs it was pretty difficult to split where the expenditure actually arose (office costs for example).  I did, however, attempt to separate out costs in my accounts for some years in an attempt at separate budgeting and it turned out to be a good move as ultimately, following a boundary review, two separate parish councils were created and an agreement made to divide the reserves of the original council so that the new one had some reserves to start off with.  My separate accounts helped inform that decision.

PLease note the Terms of Reference for this review.

I wasnt sure whether to post but here goes.  Two parish councils under one name. One held an election in 2019 the other didnt. Cholmondeston PC and Wettenhall PC. Comments welcome

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