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0 votes
Are Parish Council members who are disqualified under s85 of the LGA 1972 allowed to continue and collectively make decisions?

Any advice would be most appreciated. Thank you.

Andrew A
by (340 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
No.  If you're disqualified you are no longer a councillor so cannot take part in any decision making by the council although you can attend meetings as a member of the public.
by (22.3k points)
Many thanks Delboy'swife.
+1 vote
Whilst Delboys wife is correct in that a councillor who has been actually disqualified has no part in council proceedings is there an ongoing appeal via the MO by the councillor over the disqualification validity? If so then they are still a councillor until that decision is made by the MO. I know it is unfashionable these days to not comply with innocent until proven guilty rather than guilty until proven innocent.
by (29.0k points)
Thank you for your advice Mentorman. All of the members of the PC have been deemed by the PA as disqualified. I am not aware of any appeals.

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