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Are Councillors under any obligation to publicly support a Council' s decision or represent a given resident's  point of view?  I have always valued my right as an individual to assess any issue and speak/vote  according to my views.
by (5.2k points)

2 Answers

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The answer is no to both questions.  Of course if you oppose a decision and speak about your opposition, you must state that it is your personal view and not that of the Council.
by (35.7k points)
0 votes
Whilst any matter is being debated, you should speak and vote according to your views and, if appropriate, report the views of residents. Once a decision has been made, you should speak on behalf of the council. You are a member of the council that made the decision, so it is your decision, although I see no problem in mentioning the fact that, on this occasion, you didn't vote with the majority.
by (56.1k points)
I have many times voted against the majority for example when the proposal in front of us was illegal as it was trying to impede people recording meetings and I make sure when I do everybody knows and ask for a recorded vote

Whenever we discuss reserves I always point out that the policy is in breech of NALC guidelines
On an election flyer I would include subjects I voted both for and against

I always try to represent a residents case even if I disagree and only once  have I refused to support a resident when his objection was untenable

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