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What, if any, are the statutory duties of a Mayor as distinct from the Chair of the Council?
by (220 points)

3 Answers

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A Town Council mayor normally has the same function and statutory duties as the Chair of a Town or Parish Council, unless the Council's Standing orders confer extra responsibilities on him/her.
by (35.8k points)
0 votes
The role of the Mayor is purely ceremonial and carries no statutory duties. The Mayor is normally the Chair of the Council, undertaking the statutory duties of that role.
by (59.1k points)
0 votes
As a both the Chair and the Mayor of our Council I can confirm DavetheClerks answer as correct. As Mayor I do things like opening the annual carnival, giving out awards etc. As Chair I carry out the Chair's normal function. One thing to add, the Mayor and the Chair do not have to be the same person, but usually are.
by (2.8k points)

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