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Our Parish Council seems to be of the opinion that if they take a majority vote on something or anything they can then ride roughshod over whatever they wish.

Having now been advised by the monitoring officer of a resident's request for an election as opposed to co-option, would they be permitted to take a vote on co-option -v- election and get their back 'door pals' co-opted in favour of perfectly suited candidates who they have rejected for cooption on unreasonable grounds.
by (1.0k points)
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2 Answers

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When a casual vacancy arises it triggers a statutory process whereby 10 parish electors can DEMAND an election.  An election cannot be demanded by less than 10 electors and, if there are less than 10, the vacancy can be filled by co-option.  This process is driven by your district/unitary council.
by (11.9k points)
Yes aware of that John, (30 signatories reportedly in one afternoon) but it would appear on the face of it that there may be an attempt afoot to circumnavigate this process. Hence my question about a majority vote to favour co-option rather than election.

Just re-read my OP and resident's should have read residents without the apostrophe, ..Sorry!
A parish council has no control or authority over this process.  They cannot vote to ignore an election if a valid request is received by the elections office.  An election will take place which is triggered by your principal authority.  Any co-option which purportedly attempts to avoid this would be null and void
Totally agree assuming 10 valid electors requested it there’s nothing the Parish can do but whoever does it need to check within the time limit that all 10 have been accepted just in case
Thanks for the confirmation and I think I owe you a 'headlines' explanation. As you are all so confident about this I'm sure our PC will also be aware, and even if the individuals aren't the Clerk must or should be. It's just that of late I and others have been absolutely astounded at the way the PC, by way of a majority vote, have been able to dismiss not just public opinion but also exclude the public completely from discussion and the decision making process on matters that are of a very public interest and which have no need to be discussed at private meetings (not just the private section but at completely seperate closed doors meetings). Now two very suitable volunteers for co-option have been rejected on the grounds that they are not retired and therefore not able to attend the daytime 'closed doors' meetings when it is these meetings and in particular the fait acompli decisions they generate which are a  major contributor to the unrest. I hasten to add that I am not one of the those who has applied for co-option or organised the election request. I've just been around the block a few times and want to be prepared. Thank you
Our PC is similar, short term there is little you can do apart from challenging poor decisions and highlighting what’s wrong
Long term organise a list of candidates for the next election
Plus call for an election every time a Councillor resigns
0 votes
In addition to the responses, it is worth adding that if your Parish is warded, the 10 or more requests must come from electors who are registered to vote in the ward where the vacancy has arisen. Any requests from electors in different wards would be disregarded .
by (35.8k points)

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