From the Information Commissioner's website:-
"As well as responding to requests for information, you must publish information proactively. The Freedom of Information Act requires every public authority to have a publication scheme, approved by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), and to publish information covered by the scheme.
The scheme must set out your commitment to make certain classes of information routinely available, such as policies and procedures, minutes of meetings, annual reports and financial information.
To help you do this the ICO has developed a model publication scheme. There are two versions; one for most public authorities and one for the few public authorities that are only covered for part of the information they hold.
The information you release in accordance with the publication scheme represents the minimum you must disclose."
Does your council have a publication scheme and, if so, what does it say about access to minutes? The minutes are a public document, so you may re-publish them. Whether the Zoom meetings were the normal scheduled meetings or extraordinary meetings, minutes must be kept and published as evidence of the business transacted and the decisions made.