Hi. It’s difficult to explain, as much has been done behind closed doors, and the Council are claiming as its ‘staffing matters’ they are confidential (data confidential)
We do know they accused the Clerk of gross misconduct, vindicated at appeal (Clerk appealed and won) but they since spent more money.
They are determined to sack her, but the ‘locum’ told me by email that the original one is still the Clerk and and Section 151 Officer even though the Councillors won’t let her work!
The Locum was she doesn’t have a contract of employment!
There was nearly a half page article in our Local Paper about the spending in December. They had apparently spent £13,230 on HR advice; another £1500 on a private investigation, and £7366 on staff costs. (£22;096) and more since!
Our annual precept was £20,859
How can someone still be the Responsible Officer if the Councillors still think she’s guilty of something?