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Are the minutes of a meeting required to be on display on the parish notice board?
by (280 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
No there is no legal requirement to put the minutes on the parish notice board because often there isn't room but it is good practice (if room) so residents can read them.
by (3.8k points)
If we put our minutes on our noticeboard, it would need to house about 20 sheets of paper every month!
0 votes
There is no legal requirement for Minutes to be on notice boards but there is a legal requirement for Minutes to be published on a website within 1 month of the meeting.  Sadly, not all are
by (22.3k points)
When they are not published one would ask why not? Is it not the job of the clerk to inform the council of its legal requirements and adherence to the Nolan principles enshrined in the code of conduct."[ openness!] -Holders of public office should act and take decisions in an open and transparent manner. Information should not be withheld from the public unless there are clear and lawful reasons for so doing."
I agree.  When I recently did a trawl around other parishes websites (research purposes) I was shocked how many didn't have up to date Minutes and i don't mean just one or two months missing but years worth!  There is, of course, no "teeth" in much of the legislation

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