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0 votes
I raised a complaint about the Council's transparency.  I wasn't happy with the response.  I've now been told to refer the complaint to the ICO.  The Council's Complaints Policy says that the next stage is for a Committee of Councillors to hear the complaint.  What can I do?
by (1.5k points)

3 Answers

+1 vote
Insist that the council follow their laid down policy to the full then if they fail then you have a basis for complaint to a governing body. At the moment it appears that your only complaint is that you were not happy with their answer. Ensure that each part of the procedure is documented and followed by both parties and insist that ( without emotion)  each stage is exhausted before the next is moved on to. It can be frustrating especially when the other party are trying to short circuit the policy laid down for whatever reason from cover up to laziness.
by (28.8k points)
+1 vote
Put it to them ( complaints committee) and make sure you get a written response. If you are still due satisfied pass on the details to the external auditor. The EA may publish a public interest report and advise the council to rectify their errors, so make sure you get copies and that your council don't kick them into the long grass.
by (35.8k points)
0 votes
Having been on the wrong end of an ICO investigation in the past, I'm surprised by this as it is definitely not the easy way out for the council!  A rather long-winded investigation ensued with my council which took up a huge amount of time and effort only for the ICO to eventually say that the complaint (in our case) was unfounded so I'm wondering why they are saying that's the way forward unless for some reason the two stage internal process is inappropriate.  The external auditor won't be interested in a transparency breach to be honest and I'd be very surprised if a public interest report would come out of it.  What is it that you have  complained about?
by (22.1k points)

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