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When a motion is included on a committee/council agenda does the motion have to proposed and seconded by Cllrs who should be minuted as such, even though the for/against and abstentions do not have to be recorded and minuted?

If there are no named Cllrs in the adopted minutes of a committee or council meeting regarding a resolved motion, is it therefore unlawful as the council and residents have no idea of who proposed and seconded the motion?


Exert below.

CC750/10 Treatment of Future Committee Reports – Adoption at Full Council

The Chairman introduced this item and referred Members to the previously circulated

document. It was pointed out that the intention was not to stifle debate but merely to

have a more logical method of agreeing and adopting Reports of meetings to Council.


that for a period of 12 months, when the matter will be reviewed, Minutes of

Committee meetings will be agreed at the relevant Committee prior to being

adopted as a report at Council. 

by (620 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Good question!  Any proposal for determination by council/committee should properly be moved, that is to say proposed and seconded. The motion is then put to the vote or ammended and put to the vote.

I am not aware of any requirement that the proposer and seconder need to be recorded in the minutes - it is I think a matter of particular preference for your council. (Subject to recorded votes etc.). Accordingly, any such resolved motion could not be deemed unlawful merely for lack of minuted details provided in all other respects proper precedures were adhered to
by (3.9k points)

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