Questions about town and parish councils
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+4 votes
Just wishing every one here a Happy Christmas and a hopefully madness free New Year. Cheers!!!!
by (28.3k points)

4 Answers

0 votes
Thank you I always enjoy your answers Mentorman
I might need your help in the New Year as yet again I’ve been reported to the Monitoring Officer when they haven’t finished appealing because their last complaint didn’t go their way
You  couldn’t make it up
by (12.5k points)
0 votes
Thank you, and thank you to everyone who offers their time and experience.  I am new to all this, and it is good to know that I am not alone.  I would be interested to hear who started this helpful forum, and who has overall responsibility.  Hopefully with all your invaluable evidence and experience based advice I may become a little less vexed  and change my name to  Less.Perplexed.
by (940 points)
edited by
Perplexed maybe one day you’ll be able to change your name to knowitall !
This forum proves Councillors and Clerks can work together and it’s the renegades on both sides and lack of oversight that cause the problems
Haha!  That would be a name change worth striving for.   It is really good to see  Councillors and Clerks seeing things from each other's perspectives and coming to reasonable conclusions or agreeing to disagree.  Something else that is worth striving for.  Also worth striving for reform, and this helps show up where reform is needed.
I find PCs fascinating.  Having lived for 40 years trying to understand my customers needs in everything I did,  the way that PCs operate was certainly an eye opener,  The only  way forward to educate Councillors as to their duties and responsibilities  and how to best do their job as a  collective. Too often various forces exploit weaknesses and try and provide a substitute regime. Currently I believe the system is in crisis and in need of review
I am coming to the same conclusion, and can see a long hard road ahead!
0 votes
Belated thanks for your good wishes Mentorman and the same to you. Not sure about the madness free bit though. It's the madness that keeps the old grey matter ticking over!
by (56.1k points)
Salutations and also a belated well wishes' I  applaud your optimism and with perseverance look forward to the forthcoming trials and tribulations.
0 votes
Bit late for Christmas - I was determined to have a Council free week. So - Happy New Year instead. Let's hope it's a better one!
by (2.8k points)

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