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This is a ridiculous question but I'm having to ask . The Chairman and other Members are questioning how the Ward Councillor spends her Ward allowance. Has anyone experienced this?

This has arisen because the Ward Councillor has agreed to fund a road safety survey. Council members agreed this but are now backtracking as it would affect local businesses.
How should one respond for maximum effect?
by (1.7k points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Never heard of such a budget at Parish level but my rule of thumb would be is a payment for the survey prohibited by the rules or not

It could be argued that road safety is a highway issue so outside the remit of the PC but if the rules don’t preclude it tough
by (12.7k points)
Sorry if unclear its not the PC budget but ward Councillors.   I'm unsure what a Ward Councillor can and can't fund.
Our Council would appear to want to renegade on what has already been approved. Members are questioning the ward Councillors budget expenditure as a get out of jail so to speak.
Sorry I assumed you meant each Parish Councillor representing a Ward which to be honest wouldn’t be a bad thing
I’m also a Borough Councillor and have an allowance but our rules wouldn’t allow me to pay for a traffic survey as it has to be for something tangible
0 votes
Principal Authority Ward Cllrs are often awarded small environmental improvement budgets etc, and they are empowered to decide how to attempt to spend it.  A parish council is entiltled to approach the PA Ward Cllr and offer their views about how the budget is spent but ultimately that is all they can do.  If they make one recomendation they can offer a different one but the ward cllr might argue they can't make their minds up and won't pay any further attention
by (35.8k points)

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