Following our last Council meeting (end of Sept) the Chairman agreed (somewhat reluctantly on some requests) to write to seven individual third parties to address Council concerns etc. All seven emails were sent from him and cc'd to the Clerk. The Chairman informed members that he would "let you know of any replies or information".
I have not seen the letters and I don't know if any members have seen them either.
Having not heard anything, and we are nearing December, I sent a quick email to the Chairman just asking if any response had been received.
His reply was " if there is anything significant I will advise, otherwise it will be on the agenda at the next meeting".
He has not stated that he has received something, a brief yes or no to answer my question?
Why should I have to wait until the next meeting?
All is quiet from members and only the Chairman emails when necessary. Where is the collaborative working....I appear to be ignored having to be updated by the Chairmans posts on facebook.
Any advice on how to respond? Any legal stuff for back up? The smell just continues to linger.