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A councillor is making a significant number of complaint about the clerk including bullying. The councillor has in the meanwhile resigned so is it still necessary to hear the complaints?
by (120 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Doesn't that make it even more important to understand what was going on?
by (1.3k points)
What process is the Councillor using to make the complaint? I understand that Cllr complaints have to go through the Clerk.
This should be covered by the council's disciplinary policy.
Dave what happens if your Council doesn't have one?
Then I'm afraid you're in a bit of a pickle. If the clerk has a contract of employment based on the NALC model, it refers to the council's grievance procedure, disciplinary procedure, expenses policy, sickness absence policy, and health and safety policy, so all of these need to be in place, alongside another half dozen or so key policies and procedures. Templates are available for all of these.
It would appear my Councils in a pickle, thanks again Dave

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