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My Council by its continuous antics be deemed dysfunctional.

I read what others put on here and other forums such as the SLCC. I keep noting that Clerks intervene by writing to Councillors/Council on matters such as reminding of Code Of Conduct, duties and responsibilities etc.
Our Clerk doesn't appear to do any of this just 'hold the fort'.
I recognise all Parishes and individuals act differently but when would a Clerk be expected to intervene?
by (1.7k points)

1 Answer

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The Councillors are responsible for the actions of the Parish Council as a whole and for themselves  individually.  The Clerk is an employee of the Parish Council.  If serious issues or problems do exist the Monitoring Officer and / or the next election are the only answers.

The Clerk intervening by his or her own actions is wholly unacceptable and in my case was used like a form of bullying behaviour.
by (780 points)
The clerk is there as an employee part of who's duties is to advise the council(or councillors) on matters of correct procedure and legal context of matters. A good clerk will, even at meetings, point out when incorrect assumptions or actions are taking place or offer their guidance when requested to ( through the chair) on matters of the meeting by a councillor.
I agree with Mentorman that there is an important role for the clerk here, but ultimately this is an issue of personalities. Too many clerks lack the knowledge of the law and rules of engagement, so are not in a position to intervene effectively.

Training is the key, but I'm concerned that some ALC training appears to brainwash clerks into believing that they are in charge, making them unduly belligerent in their communications with councillors. I have seen several cases where this breakdown in the relationship resulted in the clerk being forced out of their job.
Agree with Dave on the overpowering influence on clerks and attempts to "guide" ( "control") Parish Councils by ALC's ( and by connection also NALC)
Thanks everyone. Dave and Mentorman appear to have hit the nail on the head. I'm fairly new (2yrs ) with all this Council malarkey and I naturally assumed nalc and the slcc were the fonts of knowledge with regards the Clerk. Whats concerning is a neighbouring borough Council promoting 'Clerk leadership' as a T&P Councils CEO' at the agm. IMO I dont find it helpful and a possible cause of conflict through nothing other than wanting to learn and do  right . Thanks again.

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