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Would the recent update trickle down to the lowest tier governance.
by (1.3k points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Not really. The purpose of the review was to examine issues in Central Government. The only minor (but very welcome) recommendation to affect our sector is the rewording of the seventh Nolan Principle, Leadership, to include an explicit reference to treating others with respect.
by (56.1k points)
This will take some effort from my experience, I am currently in the cross hair's of the Clerk and more worryingly the MO. Are there any legal proceedings other than quote the Standing Orders or financial regs as the  continuing action is becoming personal.
Difficult to answer that without knowing more, especially the MO reference. Important to bear in mind that the Clerk is not bound by the code of conduct, Nolan etc.
Most appreciated your reference kind of sums it up and is a recurring theme throughout the Forum. MO  has been contacted and have no reason to doubt that the Clerk is in contact regarding other influences outside of the councils control, hence the legality query from other interested partisan ex members.
Have looked at the highlighted examples of court cases and the involvement surrounding the work time and costs, not that hopefully this reaches such a position.

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