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Here goes....our Chairman has taken it upon them to 'go solo' in relation to addressing our longstanding traffic situation.
To my knowledge there has been no prior discussion to contacting our borough Council, local Police or Jackie Weaver to raise concerns on traffic!! All of which the Chairman has apparently done. We have no traffic data and there is no desire to obtain any (it costs money).

Members have recently received an email to inform us of the above. There are no copies of emails so I'm assuming phone calls have been made.

How should we as members approach this bearing in mind the Council is the Chairmans fifedom and the wingman (vice chairman) the 'unofficial Chairman). Its currently like walking on eggshells. Should the Clerk be contacted for advice? I am concerned that the Chairman is a loose cannon who at some point will bring Council into disrepute.
by (1.7k points)

2 Answers

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This is quite common

If there’s the slightest whiff that us “ ordinary Councillors “are doing anything for our community we are told we are acting improperly
I was reported to the Monitoring Officer for asking peoples opinion about an idea I had about a new footpath before I took it to Council but the complaint was kicked out

If there’s any room for doubt especially in correspondence I always say that although I’m a Councillor I’m not acting on the Councils behalf

Conversely when it suits some Chairs and Clerks make quite sweeping decisions without ever bothering to get Councillors opinion or even inform them what they’ve done

So has the Chair claimed he is acting on behalf of the Parish Council or or committed the Parish Council to something or has he acted as an individual ?
by (12.5k points)
Thanks for your reply Jules. The Chairman is not acting as an individual hence my concerns.
We have a protocol which amongst other things prohibits your Chair from acting like this, do you ?

You could raise a point of order when the matter is raised asking when the Chair was instructed to act as they did
Or you could ask the Clerk their opinion
It depends on the politics in your Council
Thanks Jules.
0 votes
The only decision a chair can make unilaterally is to call a extraordinary meeting or extraordinary general meeting.  I don't know what decisions if any the chair made in the act of "addressing" the traffic issue.  If there were any they would be unlawful.  Should that be the case it should be reflected in your Annual Governance return and reported to the external auditor.
by (35.7k points)
Cheers Graeme.

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