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Our Proper Officer who has worked as the person in charge for 12 years and still is not CILCA qualified. She has tried twice and failed. We have had two Locums. We don't know what to do. We have complained repeatedly to the Borough Council legal team and they said they have no authority. She signs off her own hours, her own overtime and she is on the highest tier for a Town Clerk wage. I am a councillor and I even thought of training to for CILCA so I could help. We are at a loss what to do.
by (1.1k points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer
Does your council have the proper procedures in place for complaints and disciplinary matters? As the employer, the Town Council must deal with this. Who put her on the highest wage tier and on what basis?
by (60.1k points)
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She did apparently. It is a mess. Thank you for the info.
All clerks have a job description and should have an annual appraisal, carried out by two or more councillors. This provides a regular opportunity to consider the clerk's performance against the specified requirements of her role. Where shortcomings are identified, an action plan can be agreed to address them.

If the clerk has awarded herself a pay rise that was not agreed by the council or included in her contract of employment, this would be a disciplinary matter. Some employment contracts offer automatic progression up the pay scale, so if this is the case, she may have done nothing wrong.

From the information you have provided, it sounds as though the tail is wagging the dog and, if this is the case, there will be difficult conversations to be had if you are to turn things around. Whatever feelings of anger or resentment you may harbour, do not lose sight of the fact that the employer has a duty of care to the employee.
+1 vote
I assume we are talking about the locums you have employed. If so then they will be subject to an agreement with the PC from the people supplying them ( usually your county association office) in which case their rates of pay etc. will be part of the provision agreement by them.

If it is your long serving clerk then as Dave says they should have a contract of employment and defined procedures for pay, overtime and performance reviews and which committee of the council is responsible.
by (29.4k points)
I'm referring to the non Locum. Thank you for your answer.

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