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Out of the blue out Chair said she’d heard we no longer need a proposer or seconder for motions so in future that’s what we’d do

I was the only Councillor to point out that we have Standing Orders and she couldn’t just do this without us voting to change them but the rest of the Councillors kept their heads down and the Clerk remained silent

In most cases we don’t vote on motions but vague ideas. Recently it was agreed to pay a five figure sum without sight of any contract or agreement and without tender or formal review process

Has anyone adopted this system of no proposer or seconder and how does it work with regards to proposal, amendments and right of reply ?
by (13.0k points)

3 Answers

0 votes
I think you have accepted personal liability for all the payments voted through outside your Standing Orders. Time to pass the hat round.
by (1.3k points)
0 votes
Couple of points here:

1) your chair should take notice of objections based on contradictions to the code of conduct or standing orders.

2) A question should have been asked( and answered by the chair) as to the origin of this change in proposer/seconder

3) the Clerk cannot "remain silent" under any circumstances especially if a question is asked by a councillor ( via the chair) as that is one of their primary functions. Councillors should NOT under any circumstances allow such action ( or inaction) by the clerk.

4) it is not the chairs function to make decisions on behalf of the council the chair is ONLY responsible for the conduct of the meeting.

5) councillors get the organisation they negate to others.
by (29.4k points)
0 votes
Can I give a shorter answer - on the basis of what you have written, a) your chairman is factually wrong, b) even if your chairman was right (which he/she is not) then he/she has no authority (aka Jackie Weaver) to "announce" changes to procedure.
by (12.0k points)

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