Thank you for your reply, much appreciated.
A fascinating response that you suggest the 50% of women on the planet are a minority. I am not suggesting we remove the gender of the word ‘chairman’ in the OED, just that as a chairman relates to a male chair, there should be an option to either create opportunity for those who do not relate to their gender, or those who are female, to be referred to as chair of a meeting. Just like the thousands of businesses, public bodies and voluntary organisations do.
I do not know if you are still in full time employment, or routinely support multi person meetings or groups of diverse age groups - but it does matter. It’s great that you perceive a large percentage don’t mind or take offence (I’m not suggesting they should) but if 1 person out of a 100 does, we have failed. Unless you’re dismissing the minority who would take offence as irrelevant, for the sake of not referring to a female as man by the almost universally accepted ‘chair’.