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This is one for the most seasoned of councillors and clerks

We have a lady who would like to join our parish council  She will be fab as she is active member of the community.  she can not make the next meeting for co option as she is working away.  Can we co opt her in her absence.    Also can we zoom meetings for members of the public to join us?
by (1.5k points)

2 Answers

0 votes
There’s no reason why not but why not wait until the next meeting so she can sign the acceptance ?

With regards to Zoom many Councils already live stream their meetings and I can’t think of anything preventing Councils from letting the public raise questions before the start of the formal meeting but it would be difficult to organise
by (12.7k points)
0 votes
Agree with Jules, but you'll need a lot of technology to broadcast your meetings, as each member of the Council and the Clerk will need a camera and microphone. I tried with just a single camera and microphone, but nobody could hear what was being said. As you know, members of the Council must be in the room, not on Zoom.
by (58.9k points)

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