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How long can a item which had been a minute from the previous cabal of council still be part of a due process, for example a change of circumstances in the Clerk from the previous council which declared that the prior Clerk should be allowed to adjust to the job/position and not disturbed by Cllrs contacting them daily at the Council office. This just being just one example, hope it seems legible.
by (1.3k points)

1 Answer

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It could be forever potentially, but Cllrs are always able to review existing processes  - whoever they were resolved by, and reslove to replace them.  In the case of the example you quote, current Cllrs should review the CLerk's performance and ways of working  annually and identify how it can be improved.  The Clerk is there to serve and advise, and it seems unreasonable that he or she should be allowed to work in isolation and be empowered to fail to respond to Cllr queries.  If you have a staffing committee they could review this arrangement and mak recomendations to full council.
by (840 points)
Review is as specified but in the case of the clerk who is an employee their contract should have specific review periods and assessments. Whether these are carried out by committee is for the council to decide. They should identify and address concerns from both the employee and employers perspective. It should be a two way process not a dictatorial one.
Just a slight correction the clerk is there to facilitate and advise the councils wishes and needs, not serve. Council serves the community.

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