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Our Chairman has resigned, shortly followed by the Clerk.  Are we now required to notify the Auditor.  I  feel sure I have once read this somewhere but now cannot find it.
by (780 points)

1 Answer

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Not being aware of any requirement to do so as a council is only beholding to the auditors for annual governance of finances and compliance procedures.

You are a democratically elected body with powers. One is election of a chair and second is employment of a clerk.

Your chair can be elected at your next PC meeting ( or EO meeting if you feel it urgent). As the chair's only function is to chair the meetings of the PC ( and represent the council in public) or if specified in standing orders deputise for the clerk in their absence I can see your only stumbling block. Perhaps a locum clerk to hold the fort at least until you elect a chair may be a solution but with cost implications( check with your county association)

So organise an EO meeting and elect a chair and get the employment of a new clerk moving.
by (29.0k points)

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