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by (120 points)

3 Answers

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Hi Hawkeye,

You could organise the meeting yourself(at a bigger venue) but then you may have to pay for it yourself.By doing this you could have more publicity.Also at the meeting you could highlight the clerks reluctance.
But if the planning application is going to effect the community then I cannot see how the clerk can reject your reasonable requestwithout going to full council especially when it the prenet climate the bigger the venue the more room there is to keep your distance.
Also If you are talking about a community council you can go over a head to the district council.
Good Luck
by (160 points)
0 votes
Your statement is not clear as to what the issue is and raises more questions than answers.

Perhaps there is no available venue that can be used?

Also bear in mind that the town council is not the authority that gives planning permission so why is there a need for a larger venue?

Perhaps the Clerk has been instructed to refuse your request as they take instruction from the council on matters like this....
by (25.4k points)
0 votes
The clerk is within their right to act as they have. However, the Town Council cannot determine the application and they can only express a single view with respect to consultations. For that reason, you may be better dealing with the application as an independent resident action group, but you will have to pay for event hire
by (35.8k points)

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