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0 votes
A local business has decided to promote itself by posting notices around the village, including on the council owned defibrillator kiosk. The council has not been asked to grant permission for postings on the kiosk and is unlikely to give it if asked.

I understand this is classed as fly - posting and is illegal where permission has not been granted. I would welcome advice on how best to deal with this, without creating difficulties for either the council or the business?
by (350 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
We are all too quick to seek "official" solutions to problems and have become box tickers. How about an old fashioned method time tested by many communities (which the PC is a part)

Have a quiet word with the business owner as to the use of the defibrillator kiosk being seen as inappropriate and perhaps make suggestions of what would be acceptable. After all the PC should be supporting and encouraging local businesses not laying down the law.

It's good to talk!
by (29.0k points)
Echo this 100%.  The same officers/cllrs who push for instant heavy handed formal "solutions" then wonder why community despise them (and then won't help PC/TC when it needs their help).
Thankyou, advice followed and hopefully situation resolved.

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