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–1 vote
We have a budget for regeneration but I disagree with a lot of the purchases put under that heading. Examples:

We supply Christmas lights and floral displays every year. Clerk puts these under regeneration. I say it's community services.

We have flagpoles. We have to buy new flags at least once a year as they become ragged. Clerk puts these under regeneration. I say it's consumables or alternatively maintenance.
We replaced a worn out information board. Clerk put this under regeneration. I say it's repairs or maintenance.
I would love a clear definition of 'regeneration'. If indeed one exists! Thank you.
by (2.8k points)

2 Answers

0 votes
I don't think there is one.  It seems like a very blanket term for a lot of disparate items....  perfect for hiding things away under...
by (24.8k points)
Agreed.  Best bet would be to get finance committee to propose the 'headings' they want to see and present to PC for approval.  The headings on your finance sheets can 'be' what ever you want them to be.
0 votes

Well have a look here

"At its core, regeneration is about concerted action to address the challenges and problems faced by the community of a particular place. It's about widening opportunities, growing the local economy, and improving people's lives."  Difficult to see how replacing flags amount to any of the above.

by (35.7k points)
Thank you Graeme_r. That puts into words exactly what I always thought it was. I shall be using that quote.
Surely replacing flags widens employment opportunities in the flag-making sector, grows the local flag-making economy, puts money in people's pockets and food on their tables, thereby improving their lives? The only potential weakness in this argument is that the flags are probably imported from China!
Hi DavetheClerk. Yes purchasing some flags helps to grow a business, or at least sustain it. It also helps to keep people in employment. so yes, helps lives lives. But the same could be said of everything we purchase, the paper we use, the ink to go in the printer, the picture frames we have just purchased for some certificates. And all purchased locally. But are you saying all these things should be classed as regeneration? I think probably not.

The original flagpoles may well have been classified as regeneration. (Before my time and ok with that.) But the flags we have to buy year in and year out because they wear out are maintenance (or consumables) surely??
Yes, Jann, my response wasn't intended to be taken seriously.  Regeneration is about the big stuff and it's interesting to see your council even considering it financially, as most aspects lie within the remit of higher authorities than ours.  That's not to say we shouldn't discuss it; indeed it's vital that members have an understanding of it, however there are others better placed to deliver it.  The best regeneration projects are delivered by broad-based partnership working, so there may be a role for local councils as members of such partnerships.

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