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we have now got six councillors we should have nine..i was the only person too answer the call nobody ever seems to come to council meetings people just don't seem interested
by (130 points)

1 Answer

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Well, I don't know if I'd recommend it, but embarking on an unpopular project can generate a lot of interest!  Our council had a plan to borrow about twice the annual precept and spend it on creating a better council office.  Once people became aware of it, there was an outcry.  A town meeting was attended by 300 people - about 10% of the population.  Nothing like that had ever happened before - typical attendance was more like a dozen.

Coincidentally, it was a council where only six people stood in 2007 for nine places.  By last summer when the row kicked off, a majority of the council consisted of coopted members.  Public pressure led to several resignations and a proper by-election.  That was how I joined the council.

At present, we're just about to print a leaflet to encourage people to stand for election in May.  It will be distributed throughout the town, and followed up by an informal meeting where potential candidates can talk to existing councillors.  We're hoping that there is still enough interest to get a lively election and a council with energy and some fresh ideas.

I guess publicity is always a useful way to create some interest.  Local papers are usually only too keen to get material - especially if there is a whiff of controversy!
by (33.6k points)

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