Questions about town and parish councils
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+1 vote
I have been a councillor for 18 months, and have not missed any meetings  I have completed on line training modules.  I have always been a active member of our community, so I did attend Parish meetings prior to becoming a councillor.

Would it be appropriate to observe another Parishes meeting?  I believe it would be a good learning tool for me; as its important  to learn from other councillors and how they work

Your thoughts please
by (1.5k points)

4 Answers

+1 vote
Yes, absolutely. Meetings are open to the wider public, not just residents of individual parishes. I have often encouraged my councillors to attend meetings of neighbouring parishes and I make a habit of visiting several of them periodically.
by (53.3k points)
+3 votes
Agree wholeheartedly with Dave on this. Attending other PC meetings will give perspective on what your council is doing rightly and wrongly. I would also encourage visiting other council websites offerings and viewing their methods of agendas and minutes and communication with their communities. As my first employer said to me (many years ago) " never be ashamed of copying a good idea or method, only be ashamed of copying a bad one." Keep learning.
by (27.0k points)
0 votes
A number of them are recorded and available to view on Youtube
by (35.4k points)
0 votes
I’ve always suggested this as being a good way to learn good and bad practice
I’ve seen some dire ones on YouTube

At one I went to pre lockdown I was given a book and pen and asked to sign in I just ignored them and sat down
by (11.6k points)
I always ask visitors to sign in and, as a courtesy, if they provide me with contact details, I send them the draft minutes of the meeting when I publish them and an agenda for the next meeting. It helps to foster interest in the work of the Parish Council.
Dave I’m sure your Council has a better reputation than the one I went to as it tends to keep the Monitoring Officer busy and only recently a Councillor was reported for comments they made at a public meeting about a member of the public
Also in my own Parish the Police went to one Parishioners house and warned them off attending meetings
What about public participation is that restricted to the electorate?

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